Scent wellness: Why changing your perfume is good for your soul

Can you really re-set your mood and enhance wellness with scent? Scientists say… yes!

Smelling something new helps not only to reinvigorating your scent wardrobe, but it is also a way to actively improve your mental wellbeing by helping us mentally draw a line under past experiences and start afresh, says Alfredo Fontanini, MD, PhD.

When you take a deep breath and inhale Scent Journer's mindful perfumes, they’re detected by the olfactory receptors in your nose and immediately produce nerve impulses to stimulate the limbic system which is the emotional part of the brain. It is thought by scientists that this activity of the nerve signal passing through the limbic system causes mood change by altering brain chemistry.

It turns out reaching for a new perfume is more than simply pleasurable – it’s genuinely good for your mental health and wellness

If you are looking for something fresh and rosy to help you in feeling more feminine and beautiful, The Blooming Jewel is here to help. 

It is formulated to encourage self-acceptance and restore beauty by balancing hormones and reducing stress-induced skin fatigue. It is a uplifting scent, close your eyes and the scent would bring you to the airy rosy mountain in Yunnan. Sweet and fresh honeyed rose to mark new beginnings. 


If you need some motivation and feel calm and focused at work, Dancing Blue Bees can help you!

It is formulated to support you in stressful moments by relieving nervous fatigue and providing you with clarity. You could smell the bergamot and lavender in summer, it is a comforting scent with vanilla as base notes. This perfume will last throughout the day, perfect for a long day at work.


For some comforting time alone, or when you are meeting a new date, try Clouds in Heaven.

It is formulated to stimulate sensuality while integrating stillness and comfort to unwind. Close your eyes and imagine how it feels like being hug by clouds, this is how the fragrance smells like! This is the most unique fragrance in the Garden of Emotions collection, it has top notes of pandan which is really special! If you like something really niche, this is for you. It is sensual, milky, yet mellow and cocooning. 




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